Tuesday, September 11, 2012

911 memories

This was written (9/11/2011)
Sept 11, 2001
I slept late, trying to enjoy a day off. Woke to hear screaming airplane engines. Unusual I thought, and rolled over. Three minutes later same sound, but moving east.  Phone rings seconds later," Turn on TV" Stare in horror as the world reels around me. Legs turn to water as the second plane strikes tower. Search for comfort has never ended.  I will never forget what she said to me that day. "Get over it." "You were not hurt by it." I should have seen it then. There are those who don't care. There are those who don't see. There are those who don't feel.

Ten years ago a hole was opened in the soul of America
Raw and bleeding she staggered and stumbled wounded and stunned
One by one Americans helped stanch the wound
many sacrificing all for the few.
Ten years on, the wound is still raw, many have bled, many have died
America stands tall, we are one nation under God
Walking hand in hand side by side

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